
Helping you love where you live

Series: Home Refresh Casey Sigler Series: Home Refresh Casey Sigler

Reimagining the Kitchen

No matter the size of the kitchen, the average American spends around 400 hours annually treading the floors between the sink and the oven, the pantry and the fridge…..and back again. While kitchen remodels are costly and disruptive, it’s possible to give your room a minor facelift on the cheap that will keep you inspired and content for years to come!

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Series: Home Refresh Casey Sigler Series: Home Refresh Casey Sigler

The Spring In Your (Porch) Step

Spring absolutely breathes new life into everything, and our spaces expand as windows open and patios and decks get more company. To get the absolute most of the months ahead, it’s time to start tidying up the exterior areas around your home and reenvisioning the outdoor spaces you want for May, June, and July.

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