
Helping you love where you live

Series: Memphis Heroes Casey Sigler Series: Memphis Heroes Casey Sigler

Memphis Heroes of the Yellow Fever of 1878

The Yellow Fever epidemic of 1878 was one of the most trying tests Memphis has ever faced. The grit of Memphians was put to the test, but the city survived, thanks to the brave few who risked it all to aid the dying. Our city is built on the work and bravery of these Memphians. As we face an unknown future, it’s good to be reminded that courage lives here in Memphis and it always has.

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Series: Memphis Makes Me Sarah Lewis Series: Memphis Makes Me Sarah Lewis

Memphis Makes Me… Feel Inspired

In a city full of challenges and opportunities the non-profits of Memphis are defined by their contagious passion for the communities which they serve, while exhibiting deep commitment to their families and neighborhoods. Especially now – in the midst of trying times – their impact is moving, and their dedication is inspiring.

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Selling Scott Perryman Selling Scott Perryman


Today’s blog entry is all about comps. Really, it’s a conversation about pricing, too. Whenever you want to price a home, you need to know what the comps are.

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Buying Scott Perryman Buying Scott Perryman

Loan Acronyms

LTV, DTI, DPA - what do they mean? Let’s get started on some of the terms you’re likely to hear when you start the mortgage loan application process.

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Buying, Selling Scott Perryman Buying, Selling Scott Perryman

Investing 101

We’ll briefly, and I mean briefly, visit three different types of investing in this article, but I encourage you to reach out if one of them appeals to you. The when, where, and how of these strategies depends on your goals.

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