It Might Be Time for a Home Refresh If...

The school year is officially in full force and many of us have found ourselves gathering speed once more and re-entering the chaotic pace of our former lives. The margin we enjoyed this past year to dream and create has dwindled as life has resumed a degree of normalcy. And along with that return to “ordinary,” you may find yourself struggling to keep pace. Laundry is left in the washer, text messages go unread, and your big hopes for home improvement projects fall by the wayside. 

A home refresh can be exciting and revitalizing. However it can also be draining if the timing is not right or if motivated by a desire to keep up with the Jones’. So how do you decide whether or not to muster the energy to shake things up in your home? Here’s a few things you might consider:


If Your Home Feels Stale

Maya Angelou wrote, “The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” Your home should be the space in which you feel joy and safety as you cross the threshold. It should be an expression of yourself and your values, celebrating your unique life and story. When your home has not been modified in a long time, it may feel like it no longer “fits” you. This is the perfect opportunity for some low-stakes projects which can mix things up a little and bring some life back into the house, while re-shaping your home to fit you once more. 

If Your Home Is Not Functional

As we age and mature, our needs, desires, and lifestyles evolve dramatically. The function of our homes must change as we do. Perhaps you had a few pots and pans when you were first married, but have now accumulated more kitchen appliances than you know what to do with. Perhaps you want to create more space in your home to host and entertain guests. Perhaps your kids have outgrown their shared play space. The functionality of your home should maximize the space you have in order to facilitate your lifestyles and current phase of life. If you recognize that you are frustrated or hindered by your current arrangement, consider a 30-minute brainstorm to dream up some easy solutions so that your home can best fit your needs.


If You Need A Fresh Start

In the midst of challenging life circumstances, we all typically find ourselves grasping for an ounce of control in whatever way possible. Some sport a dramatic new haircut while others dive into a new hobby or fixate on their work. Rearranging and redecorating your space can be a wonderful option to alleviate some stress and introduce a little newness to your life if you need a fresh start. Investing in your home is a productive outlet that can foster a safe and relaxing space as you seek to navigate whatever struggles you may be facing. 

While there are many phenomenal reasons to begin a home refresh, pausing to assess your current needs and capacity may be extremely helpful in giving you the foresight to see your projects to the end. If you feel that a home refresh might be the perfect next step for you, check out the Other Articles In This Series for some fantastic ideas of where to start!


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