Heroes in the Classroom

Daily Heroes

While this Memphis Heroes Series has been primarily devoted to celebrating a select few individuals who have shone through the crowd as examples of courage, resilience, and achievement, there are many unrecognized, ordinary heroes who make significant contributions to our community in their daily lives. Some of these “everyday heroes” can be found in the classroom. Teachers are integral to any flourishing community, and most people would probably put at least one teacher in their personal list of the top ten most influential people in their life. 

There are many factors to contribute to this reality, but the sheer quantity of time spent with students must be a massive component. Teachers spend nearly the same amount of waking hours with their students as parents do during the school year. They are a consistent, daily, dependable relationship for children and youth throughout their most formative years. This translates to numerous opportunities to shape those in their most moldable stage of life.

Memphis teachers constantly go above and beyond their job descriptions. On a daily basis they wear multiple hats: counselor, cheerleader, coach, caretaker.

Above and Beyond ABC’s

Memphis teachers constantly go above and beyond their job descriptions. On a daily basis they wear multiple hats: counselor, cheerleader, coach, caretaker. The unique nature of having a primarily relational job demands that teachers be versatile and flexible, aiding in their students’ emotional and maturity growth as well as their academic success. 

In reflecting on one’s own time in school, it is commonplace for the face of an impactful teacher to flash among the first of the memories that surface. Perhaps a pivotal conversation with that teacher comes to mind. Or maybe a teacher who opened your eyes to a field of study that fascinated you. Or a teacher who inspired and nurtured your imagination. Or a teacher whom you felt was the first person who truly believed in you and your future. We can all point to ways that we were impacted by teachers outside of the classroom.

Teachers play a crucial role in the development of our next generation of leaders. Their contribution in shaping students and their futures can hardly be overstated. As we look to heroes to be celebrated, may we not miss the heroes in our daily lives who go above and beyond the call of civic service! 


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