Navigating The Next Step

As your loved one ages, their changing needs might prompt you to reconsider their living situation. However, the variety of options for different senior living arrangements might feel overwhelming as you begin to research. We have compiled a simple breakdown of the most popular living opportunities along with what you might expect to pay at each:

Independent Living

Many have found independent living options to be a wonderful fit for their aging loved one. Independent living allows seniors to live within communities that provide a large amount of freedom and autonomy while also giving easy access to assistance should they need it. This situation is ideal for those who might only have minor health concerns but would benefit from community and the structure of group activities. Independent living arrangements can take many forms. Some are retirement communities comprised of only independent living options, while others provide independent living packages within an assisted living center. The range of activities and services, such as dining, cleaning, and medical oversight, varies between communities, and they usually offer several different plans within each home so that you can find the best fit for your loved one. 

Assisted Living

Assisted living communities provide greater assistance to seniors whose daily activities are more of a challenge. If your loved one needs some extra help on a regular basis, assisted living might be an excellent option for them. These facilities will offer help with troublesome daily tasks while still affording a fairly independent lifestyle to their residents. Most assisted living facilities offer dining and cleaning services as well as fun community activities and access to medical care.

Memory Care Communities

A memory care community provides specialized care for seniors who struggle with memory challenges, including those diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Many assisted living facilities have a memory care unit within their residence dedicated solely to assisting patients with memory challenges; but there are also several separate memory care residential communities which are completely reserved for seniors who have been diagnosed with memory diseases. Enrolling your loved one in a special memory care community can be extremely beneficial in giving safe, structured routines for those with memory challenges. It also guarantees that the staff will be specifically trained in dealing with the unique dilemmas that may arise as a result of these health struggles.

The Cost of a Facility

For many families, the cost of such living arrangements is a key concern when trying to navigate which option might be best for your loved one. Therefore, it is important to have an accurate range of what to expect in looking for the right fit. Senior living communities vary vastly in price based on location, services offered, and level of care required. In the state of Tennessee the average cost for independent and assisted living arrangements is about $1,900 monthly, while memory care services could add $1,000-$4,000 monthly. Depending on the needs and preferences of your loved one, check with your insurance provider to see what would be covered under your current plan. 

We’re Here To Help

Although this journey might be challenging as you navigate future possibilities for your loved one, there are several fantastic options to meet the specific needs of your senior as your family transitions to a new stage of life. Having gone through this ourselves, The Porter Group understands the unique challenges of a transition like this. We’ve put together a team of agents and partners who specialize in helping seniors move on from a home that can have years of memories in it.

If you or a loved one are considering a transition to a facility or to a more manageable home, we would love to walk with you through that journey. Find out more or get in touch at


Penny Hardaway


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