Memphis Makes Me… Cultivate Gratitude

It’s That Time of Year…

As thanksgiving season quickly approaches, reminders of the importance of gratitude flood every craft store, supermarket, and mall. Once you’ve made more than a few trips around the sun, it can be easy to become calloused to the sometimes excessive “be thankful” signs sandwiched between the spiced candles and pumpkin displays in the checkout aisle. However, the close of the semester with the arrival of the holiday season does present a special opportunity to slow down and reflect on the many things that make life worth celebrating.

Although gratitude can come in bursts of joyful moments or in the wake of a fond memory, thankfulness is also a mindset to be cultivated. Some have referred to this as a “privilege mentality.” A privilege mentality is developed through a posture of humility in which one views everything as a gift and a blessing rather than a right. Entitlement can suck the joy out of any space or any person and so cultivating gratitude is crucial to maintaining consistent joy in life. This type of happiness is not contingent on external circumstances or events. Here are a few tips for cultivating gratitude this holiday season:

Look Around You

In the midst of the chaos of life, it can be easy to get tunnel vision of your to-do list and just check off the next thing. However, stopping to appreciate the many things in your life for which you can be grateful will go a long way in building and sustaining contentment in any season of life. There are so many things for which to be thankful even related to living in the city of Memphis: a fun, vibrant downtown atmosphere, one of the best cancer research hospitals in the world, low cost of living, impactful and flourishing non-profits, the best tap water in the country (speaking completely objectively of course), and the list goes on! 

Look Inside You

Take a moment to celebrate some areas of personal growth this year. How have you seen a difference in how you handle difficult situations? How have you grown in integrity, in vulnerability, in resilience, in your outlook on life? Don’t let too much time pass by without stopping to recognize and appreciate all of the ways that you have changed and grown. 

Look Beyond You

One of the best ways to cultivate gratitude is by learning to give thanks for things that don’t benefit yourself whatsoever. How can you be genuinely excited for a neighbor’s successes and well-being? Is there someone whom you need to congratulate for a recent triumph or unexpected provision? 

There is great joy to be found in the big and small things alike. As you slow down to look around, inside, and beyond yourself, may this fall season be one marked by contentment and gratitude!


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