3 Easy Ways to Refresh Your Home This Spring

As Winter draws to a close, we all look ahead to Spring with great expectancy. Longer days, warmer sun, and little bits of green bring with them the promise of newness. And my, don’t we all need some newness? We’ve spent a lot more time in our homes this year and with balmier months on the way, it’s the perfect time to give our houses a little sprucing up.

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Whether or not you’re avid gardener, plants can enrich the environment of your home on a small or grand scale. If you’re used to planting full flower beds, switch up the varieties or color palette you use this year. Plant a bush or tree that memorializes something special that happened to you the last twelve months. Grab some color popping planters and experiment with foliage and draping vines like Creeping Jenny for a lush effect. If you’re feeling timid or you’re a self-declared black thumb, start small with some indoor ferns or a few succulents. An air plant is a great way to add life to your home with a once-a-week commitment to soaking. You’ll be inviting Spring into your space before it even fully arrives!

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You don’t have to repaint your home to try something new with color. Switch out the pillow cases on your couch. Try a seasonal candle in a brightly hued jar. Drape a new throw blanket over an old chair to introduce a lighter, fresh tones into the room. If your budget allows, new entry rugs can make a big difference when you walk into your home. And a vase of fresh flowers on your kitchen table can help you get through the last several weeks of wintery dreariness.

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Shop Your Home

Go from room to room and pick up your favorite things...books, framed photos, pieces of art, trinkets...and simply rearrange them in different spaces throughout your house. Take everything off of your mantelpiece and redesign it with objects from a bedroom or study. Rearrange your bookshelves, getting rid of titles you no longer read and adding frames or old mementos here and there for interest. Refreshing your space requires no money...simply imagination, a little creativity and some time.


Enjoy the newness of your space and let it inspire you to start something fresh this year!


Memphis Makes Me... Sing For Spring


Fred Smith