Moving On: 5 Concerns Seniors Face

Leaving the familiar is hard for anyone. You’ve built a life, a family, and a home. You have pursued a career and seen it to its fulfillment. You’ve found a place in life and not surprisingly, a lot of security and comfort can be found in that geographical center; that physical place where you store your possessions, prepare your meals, gather with family and friends, and rest your head. But this is a new season. You look around yourself and start to wonder about what’s next. You have a new journey to embark on.

There are a lot of things to consider about retirement...not the least of which is where you will live. The family home where you raised your children may be too large or too difficult or costly to maintain. Or perhaps you need a new location altogether. What you need to know is, you are not alone in your questions and concerns. In fact, we’ve compiled a list of considerations we frequently hear as retirees approach moving in this new phase of life.

1. I feel guilty leaving my current home.

Sometimes memories can weigh us down. Maybe the home you live in currently is where you’ve been for decades, where you raised children or welcomed grandchildren. Maybe you’ve experienced the biggest wins of your life here or mourned the greatest losses. Even though those moments exist in your heart and mind forever, the physical reality of them can absolutely be tied to four walls. It’s hard to separate emotion from practicality but so often, creating a simple list of pros and cons can help lift you out of the emotions linked to your decision making. Your retirement is something you’ve worked towards for the greater part of your life and your wellbeing, health, and joy in the coming years should be a high priority.


2. I am anxious I’ll lose control of my life.

Moving may simply mean that you get to redefine your lifestyle and your home in exciting new ways.

This is a concern voiced most certainly by seniors considering moving into a retirement community or even just closer to family. The independence you enjoy now has a huge impact on your happiness and security. Retiring does not mean that you are willing to hand over the keys and slip into resignment. In fact, now may be the time you’ve been waiting on to chase new pursuits or create a new culture for yourself. We understand that moving away from your current home does not mean that you will be giving up the reigns. Moving may simply mean that you get to redefine your lifestyle and your home in exciting new ways. There will be plenty of decisions to explore and you can rest assured that while they may feel overwhelming at times, they will be all yours to make.

3. What if my family won’t visit?

We know that when you think about your life, it isn’t just you that comes to mind. Your friends and family create a community of warmth, loyalty, and love and you know better than anyone else how their presence encourages and drives you. You’ve worked these many decades for their provision as well as yours’ and so the idea of being more alone in the coming years seems unimaginable. Moving away from the familiar home you all know and care for does not mean your loved ones won’t come to visit. It can be easy to identify ourselves with the houses we live in, but the truth of the matter is, no matter where you are, your home will become their home too.

4. The physical stress of moving seems impossible.

Whether you have been a frequent mover or have only done it once or twice in your lifetime, you have an inkling about how difficult it can be. The packing, the sorting, the can feel like an insurmountable burden. As you’re jotting down lists and making decisions about what needs to go, get tossed, or be given away, remind yourself that you’re not in this alone. You will have our help when you need it and you’ll be delighted at the ease of the process when a team is assembled on your behalf.

5. I have begun to fear the future.

You’ve approached a thousand “firsts” in your life and in some ways, this one is not much different.

If there is one comforting thought, it’s that we’re literally all in this together. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring, but we do know that the best we’ve got is to make some good plans, carry them through, and look forward to each new day. You’ve approached a thousand “firsts” in your life and in some ways, this one is not much different. You are arming yourself with information, seeking wise counsel, and moving ahead. Rest easy. We’ve got your back. 

As you approach your upcoming transition, know that The Porter Group has a multi-talented group of experts ready to walk you through selling your current home and buying your future one. We understand the decisions and emotions involved and we do not expect you to go it alone. Find more information at and contact us today for a consultation.


Memphis Hero: Tom Lee


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